Photo Cards
Photo Cards come in a variety of styles, including landscapes, sunsets, animals and flowers. Most of the landscapes are photographed personally in the Scottish Highlands, a place very dear to me as this is where I spent a good proportion of my childhood. The ridges and textures of the mountain glens, especially when combined with certain conditions, like the light on a sunny day or the colours after snowfall, create beautiful, picturesque views.

Cuddly Crescent wouldn't be Cuddly Crescent if there weren't cute animals involved. The Photo Card selection includes several animals, once again, photographed personally, and edited to include writing. These cards are printed with writing, however if you would prefer a 'no text' option, please don't hesitate to get in contact, and this request will be happily followed. All contact details are available on the Contact Me page.

All Photo Cards are printed on high quality Gloss Card in an A5 format. They are sold individually for £2.00 or at a special bargain price of 5 for £5.00. Please click the link below to see the full Photo Cards selection, or why not head straight to the shop?