The Creation of Cuddly Crescent
Hi there! I'm Cathy, the creator of 'Cuddly Crescent'. I live in the beautiful British town of Bolton, Lancashire. Bolton is the birthplace of renowned comedian Peter Kay, turf of Bolton Wanderers Football Team and home of the pasty barm (yes, that's right - a pasty inside a bread roll - madness!). But quite simply to me, it's the place where I grew up, and where I had much of the inspiration for my artwork.
My products have a nostalgic, child-like feel to them, a reference to my two big loves as a child: animal illustration and soft toy animals. Animals have a way of capturing our hearts in a way humans never can, and this did not go unnoticed during my childhood. At 5 years-old, I loved listening to my Mum read stories from her massive Peter Rabbit Anthology. Beatrix Potter's illustrations entranced me. Once I was old enough to read for myself, I would sneak looks at the book under the covers at night. The gentle, anthropomorphic characters made me feel safe and happy in a way I couldn't understand at the time. But I later realised they allowed me to escape... escape to another world and a time long gone.
I quickly became obsessed with drawing. If there was a drawing implement nearby, I would doodle. Paper wasn't necessary; I would gladly use a napkin, loo roll or the back of receipts. For me, drawing became an escape from real life's troubles, and I became absorbed in the life represented in the picture. I realised that if art could do that for me, maybe I could do that for other people.

Even my teddies had to learn to draw!

My brother and I with our cuddly pals
Soft Toys were incredibly important in my house when growing up. My Mum loved cuddly rabbits and my Dad loved teddy bears. Their enduring love of toys proved to me that you were never too old to have cuddly pals. As a child, I built up an extensive soft toy collection. All of these toys had larger than life personalities, and became another route of escape.
When I became ill between my late teens and twenties, crafts became my constant. I've never been much good at doing nothing, so when I was confined to hospital rest, I found myself drawing again. And again. And again... until I couldn't stop. Whilst in hospital, I also discovered the existence of soft toy patterns. However, I hadn't the access to material and thread, so instead I began to design my own soft toys. It was a few years later that I realised that these soft toys could be fashioned into kits that other people could enjoy. These kits would not only have a pattern, but also hand/pre-cut material, eyes, noses, instructions and accessories.

It were these kits, combined with my cartoons and pastel drawings that gave me the idea to develop a craft business; a platform where fellow crafters, beginners and lovely people of all kinds could find something a little different.
The Meanings Behind Cuddly Crescent
As Cuddly Crescent has been such an intensely personal journey for me, I wanted to pour the aspects of my life that have most influenced me into the product.

The title 'Cuddly Crescent' is a nod to the fact that both my forename and surname begins with the letter 'C'. Within the logo, the moon or 'C' shape (for Cathy) represents me. Yet also within this image, a rabbit and a bear sit arm in arm - a visual representation of my Mum (who loved rabbits) and my Dad (who loves bears). My parents were so profoundly supportive and influential that I wanted to include them in some small way.
The Story of Sue Bunny
Sue may seem quite an odd name for a bunny rabbit. However, for me, there was never going to be any other name. My beautiful Mum, Sue, suffered from cancer for twelve years leading up to her death. However, one of the things that always cheered her up receiving a new cuddly toy bunny. I bought one almost every year for her. At seeing the new cuddly companion, her face would light up like a child's. When she passed away, she left behind an incredible number of bunnies. Her love of these creatures inspired the creation of Sue Bunny. I wanted to remember her within Cuddly Crescent, and what better way than naming the Sue Bunny soft toy/kit after her? Sue Bunny will always have a special place in my heart, and I hope she will delight many others.

The Story of John Giraffe
When I was starting out on the road to Cuddly Crescent, I had no room at home to work and I had no money to rent a studio. My lovely Uncle, John, offered me his back room to set up a workshop. For months I worked there, laying the foundations of Cuddly Crescent. To say a massive thank you, I named the Giraffe Soft Toy/Kit after him. After all, without John, there would be no giraffe and there would certainly be no Cuddly Crescent!
Many of my photo cards present picturesque landscapes, particularly of the beautiful Scottish Highlands. This is a personal nod to my childhood, where I loved to visit the Highlands. Its stillness and beauty makes it a wonderful place to think of ideas and of course, to draw.

The road to Cuddly Crescent has been a long and educational one. It is totally different from anything I have attempted to pursue before, and I'm so excited to be undertaking this journey, and sharing all these products with you. Thank you in from the bottom of my heart for any support and custom you give.